Step 1 to Achieving a Fitness Goal …

… Developing & Connecting to that Goal

This might sound obvious, but before you can reach any goal, you need to take the time to develop that goal. Too many times people have a surface level goal like “lose weight” but they have no connection or need to achieve it. It’d just be nice if they did.

This isn’t enough. Dig deeper.

Having a well thought out, solid goal is what will keep you on track and moving forward. Developing a deep connection to that goal will keep it at the forefront of your mind at all times and ensure you choose your goals when faced with difficult obstacles.

Don’t gloss over these simple prerequisites. Everyone wants to dive straight in to the diet and exercise and get going, but if you don’t know exactly where you want to go or WHY it’s important you do, chances are you won’t get there.

When developing your goal:

  1. Be Clear and Measurable. What exactly do you want to achieve? Be specific so there’s no question on when you’ve achieved it. For example, instead of saying “I want to lose weight,” you might say, “I want to drop 30lbs of excess bodyfat.”


  2. Figure out WHY you want to achieve it.  If your answer is still surface level, ask yourself WHY again? I want to lose weight. Why? So I can fit into my old jeans. Why? So I can feel comfortable and like I’m not busting at the seams….Getting closer…Why? So I can feel confident and sexy in my body. BINGO. Your goals will ALWAYS be deeper than a size or number. Why is it really important to you? You don’t just want to lose weight, you want to feel confident and sexy.

  3.  Visualize your life once you’ve achieved it. How does it feel? How will life be different or better? What kind of person are you? If you’ve never been able to run and your goal is to run a 5k, what will that feel like for you when you do it?

  4. Lastly, you have to need it, not just want it. There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of healthy obsession. Keep these feelings and visualizations within reach at all times. Want to blow your macros with something crazy? Hell no you don’t, because you have a goal in mind and you NEED to achieve it.


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