

STEPHANIE IS A MASTER PREPARED Certified FAMILY NURSE PRACTITIONER, CERTIFIED CRITICAL CARE NURSE, PERSONAL TRAINER, AND FITNESS NUTRITIONAL SPECIALIST. SHE SPECIALIZES in heart and weight loss surgery, diabetes, hormones, cardiovascular/pulmonary health, PREVENTIVE CARE AND HEALTH PROMOTION. BY BLENDING WESTERN MEDICINE WITH FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE, STEPHANIE HELPS individuals restore their metabolism, enhance gut health and repair hormonal dysfunction. Whether you've had WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY or not, STEPHANIE’S passion is in optimizing health, building muscle, restoring metabolism, and enhancing nutrition via food and supplementation if needed.  

STEPHANIE HAS WORKED WITH LOUD LIFESTYLE COACHING FOR OVER FIVE YEARS HELPING >500 overweight individuals establish lifestyle habits over the last four years, particularly those after weight loss surgery.

SHE HAS BEEN where many of you are.  Starting HER OWN journey seven years ago >300lb, with PCOS, HYPERTENSION, HYPOTHYROIDISM, INFERTILITY, and years and YEARS of trying to lose weight, starting and stopping just to generally feel lost, SHE went through the bariatric program three times before committing to having a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. After losing 160lb, SHE underwent a massive surgery to remove over 7lb of extra skin.

Whether you are looking to lose a massive amount of weight, repair your hormones, get over the hump of metabolic and weight loss resistance, or just want to optimize your health and functional abilities by beating the yo-yo cycle of  on again/off again, and create long-lasting habits, none of that comes without a bit of struggle and compromise THAT CAN BE ACHIEVE THROUGH WORK, GUIDANCE, SUPPORT, AND ACCOUNTABILITY.

Lifestyle Coaching

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